Access Control ABS RFID Key Tag Chip Keychain Ring Tag

Unlock Seamless Access with Premium RFID Key Tags

Are you tired of cumbersome keys and outdated access systems? Our RFID oznake ključeva offer a streamlined and secure solution for various kontrola pristupa potrebe.

These innovative privjesci za ključeve combine convenience with robust sigurnosti, providing a modern pristup experience. Upgrade your key system today and experience future pristup

Enhanced Security and Access Control with RFID Key Tags

RFID oznake ključeva provide a significant upgrade over traditional key-temeljen kontrola pristupa systems. With an RFID sustav, each označiti contains a unique identifikacija code that an RFID reader reads. This contactless technology allows for quick and easy pristup while significantly enhancing sigurnosti. Za razliku od tradicionalnih keys, which can be easily duplicated or lost, RFID oznake ključeva are much harder to compromise.

The RFID ključ can be deactivated instantly if lost or stolen, preventing unauthorized entry. This enhanced control is especially crucial for businesses and residential complexes seeking to improve sigurnosti measures. Our RFID oznake provide a siguran i pouzdan otopina za kontrola pristupa.

Versatile Applications of RFID Key Fobs for Various Needs

The applications of RFID privjesci za ključeve are incredibly diverse, making them suitable for a wide range of industries and personal uses. In commercial settings, they are commonly used for employee pristup to buildings, controlled areas within a facility, or even for tracking imovina movement. Residential primjena includes door access to apartment buildings, gated communities, and individual homes. 

RFID key tags can also be integrated into a keychain for vehicle access or used as a token key for a membership card. Furthermore, RFID technology powers many aspects of modern life, from inventory management to smart retail experiences. The convenience and versatility of RFID tags make them ideal solutions za automating and securing various processes.

Customization Options and Technical Specifications of Our RFID Tags

Naše RFID oznake dostupni su u raznim custom options to meet your needs. We offer different shapes, sizes, and materials, including durable ABS plastic, to ensure longevity and performance. Our RFID key tag može biti custom-printed with your company logo, graphic, or other branding elements, making them excellent for sigurnosti and marketing purposes.

Here’s a breakdown of typical technical specifications:

Frekvencija125kHz, 13.56MHz (13.56mhz RFID)
Vrsta čipaEM4100, TK4100, Mifare Classic 1K, NTAG213, etc.
MaterijalABS, PVC, Epoxy
Opseg čitanjaUp to 10cm (depending on čitač i antena)
Zadržavanje podataka10 godina
Rewrite Cycle100,000 times

Naše RFID fob tag is also kompatibilan s većinom RFID čitač systems. Some tags can be writable at 125khz, and our tag is a passive označiti.

Ovaj vrsta RFID-a contains no internal power source, drawing power from the RFID čitač do prenositi podatke. This design ensures a long lifespan and reduces maintenance costs. If you have any questions about RFID, please kontaktirajte nas.

Nabavite svoje prilagođene RFID oznake

Kao vodeći proizvođač prilagođenih RFID oznaka, izrađujemo rješenja temeljena na jedinstvenim potrebama vašeg poslovanja. Nudimo širok raspon mogućnosti prilagodbe, uključujući materijal, veličinu, frekvenciju, kodiranje i udaljenost čitanja, osiguravajući da je svaka RFID oznaka savršeno prilagođena vašim zahtjevima. Bez obzira za koju aplikaciju koristite RFID oznake, možemo vam ponuditi robusne, pouzdane RFID oznake koje zadovoljavaju najviše standarde kvalitete i trajnosti. Ovdje su glavni načini na koje prilagođavamo RFID oznake vašim potrebama.

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