125Khz презаписваем RFID ключодържател ABS етикет за контрол на достъпа

Secure Your Premises with Advanced RFID Key Fobs

Our RFID key fobs offer a reliable, convenient, and secure solution for access control across various industries. These compact and durable key fobs utilize radio-frequency identification technology to provide seamless, contactless access.

Whether you are managing access to a hotel, a gym, an office building, or a secure facility, our RFID key fobs provide the security and convenience you need. We offer a wide range of RFID products, including key fobs, key cards, and all of the necessary access control hardware. 

Reliable and Convenient Access Control with RFID Key Fobs

RFID key fobs are a crucial component of any modern access control system. These key fobs utilize radio-frequency identification technology to provide seamless contactless access to a variety of facilities and locations. Our RFID key fobs consist of two components: a microchip that stores the data, and an antenna that allows the fob to receive and transmit data to a compatible RFID reader.

Our RFID key fobs are designed to be reliable and durable, and will provide long-term security and access control for any application. Our key fobs allow for a contactless tap for entry, and are a simple and secure solution for access control. Our RFID key fobs are also compatible with a variety of access control systems.

These key fobs can also be utilized for more complex applications, such as hotel room access, vehicle access, and for various payment systems. Whether you need a key fob for a single door or for a complex access control system, our fobs will provide a superior level of security. Our key fobs are also designed to be easily copied by our mail-in service. We offer both lf RFID and hf RFID options, and a variety of sizes and shapes. Our tags also feature a unique id.

Подобрена сигурност и защита с RFID технология

Our RFID key fobs provide an enhanced level of security and protection, effectively preventing unauthorized access. The key fobs operate using radio waves, and will only grant access to those who have the correct id. Our RFID key fobs also feature advanced encryption technology, which helps to further secure your premises from duplication and unauthorized access.

Unlike traditional keys, our key fobs cannot be easily duplicated. Our key fobs can also track visitor access, and provide a record of all authorized entry. Our RFID systems are designed to be reliable and secure, providing a superior access control system when compared to traditional key and lock systems. Our RFID tags are designed to protect your facility, and to ensure that access is only given to authorized users.

We provide a complete solution, and can help you find the perfect RFID system for your unique needs. We offer both high security options, as well as more basic options for less sensitive areas. Our key fobs can also be used for payments and access to gyms, and other types of facilities. Our key fobs are also designed to be a direct replacement for traditional keys.

Versatile and Customizable RFID Key Fob Solutions

Our RFID key fobs are designed to be versatile and can be used in a wide range of applications. From simple access control to complex tracking systems, our RFID key fobs provide a reliable and efficient solution. Our key fobs are available in a variety of shapes and sizes, and are also designed to fit on a keychain. We offer both lf RFID and hf RFID options, and can also offer key cards and other access control devices.

Our fobs are designed for simple setup and are also designed to be compatible with most RFID readers and access control systems. Our experienced team is also here to help you choose the perfect RFID solution for your needs. Our key fobs are also designed to work seamlessly with any system that uses 125khz or 13.56 mhz technology. Our tags are also suitable for a variety of uses, including hotel keys, gym access, and for many other types of access control needs. Our RFID key fobs are designed to be reliable, durable, and easy to use. Our low frequency options work at a distance of 10 cm, and our high frequency options are effective within a distance of 10 centimeters. 

We are dedicated to customer satisfaction and offer a satisfaction guarantee on all of our products. We also offer a mail in copy service for all of our fobs and cards.

Нашите RFID ключодържатели предлагат:

  • Надежден достъп: Сигурен и ефективен контрол на достъпа.

  • Издръжливост: Проектиран да издържа на ежедневно износване.

  • Универсалност: Подходящ за широк спектър от приложения.

  • сигурност: Използва усъвършенствани технологии за криптиране.

  • Удобство: Безконтактен достъп за лесна употреба.

  • Съвместимост: Проектиран да работи с различни системи.

  • Ниска цена: Нашите цени са най-ниските в бранша.

ЧестотаLF (125 kHz), HF (13,56 MHz)
ОбхватLF (Up to 10 cm), HF (Up to 10 cm)
МатериалУстойчива пластмаса
сигурностТехнология за криптиране за предотвратяване на неоторизиран достъп и дублиране
ПриложенияКонтрол на достъпа, работно време, платежни системи и др
СъвместимостСъвместим с повечето системи за четене на RFID
ПерсонализиранеAvailable with a variety of options

Our RFID key fobs are one of the most effective and low cost methods of access control. Our production factory allows us to offer the lowest possible prices on all of our RFID products. We also offer a full range of card and key fob copying and duplication services. 

We are your premier partner for all of your RFID needs. Our RFID key fobs are designed to fit any need, and are designed to provide reliable and secure access for all of your applications.

Вземете вашите персонализирани RFID тагове

Като водещ производител на персонализирани RFID етикети, ние създаваме решения, базирани на уникалните нужди на вашата работа. Ние предлагаме широка гама от опции за персонализиране, включително материал, размер, честота, кодиране и разстояние за четене, като гарантираме, че всеки RFID етикет е перфектно персонализиран според вашите изисквания. Без значение за какво приложение използвате RFID тагове, ние можем да предоставим здрави, надеждни RFID тагове, които отговарят на най-високите стандарти за качество и издръжливост. Ето основните начини, по които персонализираме RFID етикетите, за да отговарят на вашите нужди.

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