Waterproof Passive Anti Metal RFID NFC Stickers Tag

Conquer Any Surface: Unlock Limitless Possibilities with Anti-Metal NFC Stickers

In a world brimming with metal surfaces, traditional Ngjitëse NFC often fall short. Their functionality is hampered, limiting their potential. But what if you could seamlessly integrate the power of NFC technology into any environment, regardless of the presence of metal?

Introducing the Waterproof Passive Anti-Metal RFID NFC Stickers Tag – a revolutionary solution designed to overcome the challenges of metal interference, opening up a world of innovative applications. You can add these NFC stickers to anything anywhere.

NFC Without Limits: Anti-Metal Technology Sets You Free

These aren’t your average NFC stickers. They are meticulously engineered with a specialized anti-metal layer that shields the NFC chip from interference, ensuring reliable performance even when applied directly to metal surfaces.

This breakthrough technology unlocks many new possibilities for inventory management, asset tracking, product authentication, etc. It is waterproof and passive and can be placed in various places.

Built with a rugged PVC construction, these NFC stickers are waterproof and highly durable, withstanding harsh environments and everyday wear and tear. Their compact size (30mm diameter) makes them discreet and easy to apply to various surfaces. Equipped with the popular NTAG215 chip in many gaming platforms, these stickers offer ample memory (504 bytes) for storing a wide range of data, from URLs and contact information to product specifications and authentication codes. They are non-adhesive tokens that make them easily put in wallets or purses. They allow the user to connect easily.

Beyond Limitations: Unleashing the Potential of Waterproof Anti-Metal NFC Stickers

The benefits of Waterproof Passive Anti-Metal RFID NFC stickers extend far beyond their ability to function on metal surfaces. Here’s how they can transform your operations:

  • Ndjekja e aseteve
  • Inventari
  • Menaxhimi
  • Product Authentication
  • Kontrolli i aksesit
  • Smart Retail
  • Industrial Applications
  • Gaming and Collectibles
  • Loyalty Programs

The anti-metal construction and durability ensure these NFC stickers withstand harsh conditions, offering reliable performance and long-lasting value.

Technical Specifications of NFC stickers

Lloji i çipitNTAG215
Chip ManufacturerNXP
Kujtesa504 Bytes
Frekuenca e funksionimit13,56 MHz
Tag Dimensions∅30mm
Style NumberT2
Delivery FormatIndividual pieces
Rezistenca ndaj ujitpo
Anti-Metal Layerpo
NgjitësNo (Non-Adhesive)

Waterproof Passive Anti-Metal RFID NFC stickers Tag redefines the boundaries of NFC technology, empowering you to integrate NFC functionality into any environment seamlessly. Their rugged construction, anti-metal capabilities, and ample memory make them ideal solutions for a wide range of applications. Unlock limitless possibilities and experience the power of NFC unhindered.

Contact us today to learn more and discover how these revolutionary NFC stickers can transform your operations.

Merrni etiketat tuaja të personalizuara RFID

Si prodhuesi kryesor i etiketave RFID me porosi, ne krijojmë zgjidhje të bazuara në nevojat unike të funksionimit tuaj. Ne ofrojmë një gamë të gjerë opsionesh personalizimi, duke përfshirë materialin, madhësinë, frekuencën, kodimin dhe distancën e leximit, duke siguruar që çdo etiketë RFID të përshtatet në mënyrë të përkryer për kërkesat tuaja. Pavarësisht se për çfarë aplikacioni përdorni etiketat RFID, ne mund të ofrojmë etiketa RFID të forta dhe të besueshme që plotësojnë standardet më të larta të cilësisë dhe qëndrueshmërisë. Këtu janë mënyrat kryesore që ne i personalizojmë etiketat RFID për t'iu përshtatur nevojave tuaja.

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Plotësoni formularin e mëposhtëm dhe ne do të kontaktojmë për 20 minuta.