13.56MHz Custom NFC Tags ISO14443A Protocol RFID Tag

Unlock Limitless Possibilities with 13.56MHz Custom NFC Tags: The Key to Personalized Connectivity

We live in an age of unprecedented connectivity, where personalized experiences are desired and expected. Custom NFC tags are leading the charge, providing a flexible and affordable method to integrate the physical and digital worlds seamlessly. These miniature powerhouses, operating at 13.56MHz under the ISO14443A protocol, are revolutionizing industries from marketing and retail to supply chain management and security.

NTAG213 sticker exemplifies the adaptable nature of custom NFC tags. These transparent PET stickers are waterproof and robust, perfect for diverse deployments, measuring a mere 12 x 19 mm and a slender 157 μm. Powered by the NXP NTAG213 chip, they boast 144 bytes of user memory and function reliably in temperatures ranging from -25°C to +70°C. Critically, these custom NFC tags are universally compatible with NFC-enabled smartphones and tablets and offer password protection for enhanced security. This makes them an accessible and safe solution for various applications.

The Benefits of Using Custom NFC tags

  • Enhanced Engagement: Instant access to information drives higher user interaction and satisfaction.

  • Efikasiteti i përmirësuar: Streamlines processes, automates tasks, and saves resources.

  • Robust Security: Secure authentication and anti-counterfeiting measures.

  • Shkathtësia: Customizable in form, size, and material for diverse applications.

  • Me kosto efektive: Affordable solution with a long lifespan.

Applications of Custom NFC Tags

  • Marketing & Advertising: Direct users to online content, boosting engagement.

  • Autentifikimi i produktit: Verify product authenticity and combat counterfeiting.

  • Kontrolli i hyrjes: Secure and convenient access to buildings and events.

  • Shitje me pakicë: Contactless payments, product information, and enhanced shopping.

  • Kujdesi shëndetësor: Track equipment, manage records, and improve patient safety.

  • Gaming & Entertainment: Interactive experiences connecting physical and digital realms.

Specifikimet Teknike

Model NTAG213
Sticker Size12 x 19 mm
Antenna Dimensions10 x 17 mm
Overall Thickness157 μm ± 10%
Bending Diameter> 50 mm, tension less than 10 N
Antenna MaterialCopper
Face MaterialClear PET 12
Available Memory144 bytes
Frekuenca e funksionimit13,56 MHz
StandardISO/IEC 14443 A
Operating Temperature (Chip)-25°C deri +70°C
Adhesive Temperature-20°C to +80°C
PërputhshmëriaAll NFC-enabled smartphones & tablets
SiguriaPassword-protection support

Custom NFC tags are a powerful and versatile tool for enhancing connectivity, improving efficiency, and creating personalized experiences. Their ability to seamlessly bridge the physical and digital worlds makes them an invaluable asset for businesses across various industries. By understanding the benefits and applications of NFC technology, you can unlock limitless possibilities and drive innovation in your organization.

Merrni etiketat tuaja të personalizuara RFID

Si prodhuesi kryesor i etiketave RFID me porosi, ne krijojmë zgjidhje të bazuara në nevojat unike të funksionimit tuaj. Ne ofrojmë një gamë të gjerë opsionesh personalizimi, duke përfshirë materialin, madhësinë, frekuencën, kodimin dhe distancën e leximit, duke siguruar që çdo etiketë RFID të përshtatet në mënyrë të përkryer për kërkesat tuaja. Pavarësisht se për çfarë aplikacioni përdorni etiketat RFID, ne mund të ofrojmë etiketa RFID të forta dhe të besueshme që plotësojnë standardet më të larta të cilësisë dhe qëndrueshmërisë. Këtu janë mënyrat kryesore që ne i personalizojmë etiketat RFID për t'iu përshtatur nevojave tuaja.

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Plotësoni formularin e mëposhtëm dhe ne do të kontaktojmë për 20 minuta.