13.56mhz Programmable NFC Tags Wet Inlay Sticker

Unleash Contactless Potential: Revolutionizing Applications with 13.56MHz Programmable NFC Tags

In our hyper-connected world, NFC technology, particularly 13.56MHz programmable NFC tags in wet inlay sticker format, is revolutionizing industries with its versatile and cost-effective solution for contactless communication.

Their compact size, ease of integration, durability, and dynamic programmability allow for real-time tracking, personalized messaging, and seamless information access, making them a powerful tool for enhancing customer engagement, streamlining operations, and improving data accuracy across various applications. Unlike barcodes, they don’t require a line of sight and can be discreetly embedded, making them an unobtrusive yet highly effective solution.

Applications of Programmable NFC Tags

  • Smart Packaging: Enhanced product information & interactive experiences.
  • Retail & Marketing: Exclusive promotions & loyalty rewards.
  • Healthcare: Improved medication tracking & patient safety.
  • Asset Tracking: Loss prevention & inventory management.
  • Access Control: Secure & convenient access management.
  • Gaming & Entertainment: Unlocking digital content & immersive experiences.

Selecting the Right Programmable NFC Tag

When choosing 13.56MHz programmable NFC tags, merrni parasysh faktorët e mëposhtëm:

  • Lloji i çipit: Select the appropriate NFC chip type based on the required memory capacity, security features, and compatibility with existing systems.

  • Size and Shape: Choose a size and shape that is suitable for the intended application and the available space.

  • Durability and Environmental Resistance: Select tags designed to withstand the environmental conditions they will be used, such as temperature, humidity, and chemical exposure.

  • Adhesive Properties: Choose tags with an adhesive compatible with the surface to which they will be attached and will provide a secure bond.

Specifikimet Teknike

Frekuenca13,56 MHz
ProtokolliISO/IEC 14443-A
Chip OptionNTAG213 (Typical)
Faktori i formësWet Inlay Sticker
Diameter30mm (Typical)
Kujtesa144 Bytes (NTAG213)
Ciklet e leximit/shkrimit100,000
Ruajtja e të dhënave10 Years
Temperatura e funksionimit-25°C deri +70°C
Special FeaturesWaterproof, Readable, Lightweight

13.56 MHz
programmable NFC tags offer a powerful and versatile solution for various applications. Their compact size, ease of integration, and ability to be dynamically updated with new information make them an ideal choice for businesses looking to enhance customer engagement, streamline operations, and improve data accuracy.

As NFC technology continues to evolve, we expect to see even more innovative applications emerge, further solidifying its position as a key enabler of the connected world.

Merrni etiketat tuaja të personalizuara RFID

Si prodhuesi kryesor i etiketave RFID me porosi, ne krijojmë zgjidhje të bazuara në nevojat unike të funksionimit tuaj. Ne ofrojmë një gamë të gjerë opsionesh personalizimi, duke përfshirë materialin, madhësinë, frekuencën, kodimin dhe distancën e leximit, duke siguruar që çdo etiketë RFID të përshtatet në mënyrë të përkryer për kërkesat tuaja. Pavarësisht se për çfarë aplikacioni përdorni etiketat RFID, ne mund të ofrojmë etiketa RFID të forta dhe të besueshme që plotësojnë standardet më të larta të cilësisë dhe qëndrueshmërisë. Këtu janë mënyrat kryesore që ne i personalizojmë etiketat RFID për t'iu përshtatur nevojave tuaja.

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Plotësoni formularin e mëposhtëm dhe ne do të kontaktojmë për 20 minuta.