UHF RFID Laundry Tag Flexible Washable Fabric Linen Tag

Maximize Efficiency with Durable UHF RFID Laundry Tags for Linen and Textile Management

Tracking and managing linen, textile, and uniform inventory can be a major challenge in the fast-paced commercial laundry world. Our UHF RFID laundry tag offers a cutting-edge solution, leveraging UHF RFID technology to provide unparalleled visibility and control over your laundry operations.

These UHF RFID laundry tags are designed for laundry environments. Built to withstand the rigors of industrial laundry processes, our rugged RFID tags ensure accuracy, reduce losses, and improve overall efficiency, making them a smart investment for any business that handles large volumes of textile items.

Revolutionize Your Laundry Operations with Advanced UHF RFID Laundry Tag Technology

Our UHF RFID laundry tag is engineered to withstand the harsh conditions of commercial and industrial laundry. These washable textile tags are made from durable textile and fabric materials. They can withstand the harsh conditions in laundry environments, including high temperatures, mechanical stress, and chemical exposure.

The laundry tags are designed to withstand repeated wash cycles without compromising performance. These RFID laundry tags are made of textile and fabric materials.

  • High-Temperature Resistance: withstand high temperatures of sterilization.

  • Chemical Resistance: Resistant to detergents, bleaches, and other chemicals commonly used in washing.

  • Resistant to mechanical stress: Designed to withstand the physical stress of washing, drying, and ironing processes.

  • Withstand 60 bars of pressure: Our tags have been designed to be durable enough to withstand 60 bars of pressure.


  • Reduced tag replacement costs due to extended lifespan.

  • Consistent and accurate tracking, even after multiple wash cycles.

  • Due to the robust design of the tags, disruption to laundry operations is minimal.

These are durable RFID tags that last a long time. The RFID laundry tags are made of textile materials.

Enhanced Tracking and Inventory Management

Our UHF RFID Laundry Tag, designed for textile tracking, provides real-time visibility into your linen and uniform inventory, enabling efficient laundry management and reducing losses.

By leveraging UHF tehnologija, this UHF RFID Laundry Tag, made from textiles, can be quickly and accurately read by RFID readers. This enables you to track items throughout the entire laundry process, from collection to washing, drying, and delivery. These tags can be sewn into various textile items.

  • Real-Time Tracking: Provides immediate insights into the location and status of each item.

  • Optimizacija zalog: Enables accurate tracking of perilo in uniforme, reducing losses and optimizing inventory levels.

  • Automated Data Collection: Eliminates manual data entry, reducing errors and improving efficiency.

  • Efficient tracking: This enables efficient tracking and reduces losses.

Pogostost860-960 mhz (Global UHF)
ProtokolEPC Class1 Gen2ISO 18000-6C
MaterialVzdržljiv Textile in Fabric
Delovna temp-25°C do +85°C
Cikli pranja200 ciklov pranja
Kemična odpornostResistant to detergents, bleach, and solvents
Hramba podatkovDo 10 let
AplikacijeUniform Tracking, perilo ManagementTextile Inventar


  • Improved inventory accuracy and reduced losses.

  • Increased operational efficiency through automated tracking.

  • Enhanced customer satisfaction through improved service delivery.

Versatile Applications and Integration of UHF RFID Laundry Tag

Naš textile UHF RFID Laundry Tag je designed for various aplikacije za pranje perila, vključno z hotel linensmedical uniformsoblačila, in industrial textiles. It is available in multiple options, including shape and size, and can be easily integrated into existing laundry RFID systems. Whether you need to track uniforms in a healthcare facility, linen in a spa, or garments in a hospitality setting, our UHF laundry tag provides a tailored solution to your needs. It is na voljo v več colors.

  • Zdravstveno varstvo: Tracks medical scrubsmedical uniforms, surgical gowns, and other textiles.

  • Gostoljubnost: Manages hotel linens, towels, and staff uniforme.

  • Industrial: Tracks workwear, protective clothing, and other industrial textile.

  • Laundry Service: Increases the efficiency of your aplikacije za pranje perila.


  • Flexibility to adapt to diverse laundry environments.

  • Seamless integration with existing systems.

  • Customizable solutions to meet specific tracking and management requirements.

Ready to optimize your laundry operations? We offer free samples, competitive pricing, and expert support to ensure a seamless implementation. Take the first step towards a more efficient and profitable laundry operation now!

Zagotovite si oznake RFID po meri

Kot vodilni proizvajalec oznak RFID po meri oblikujemo rešitve, ki temeljijo na edinstvenih potrebah vašega delovanja. Ponujamo široko paleto možnosti prilagajanja, vključno z materialom, velikostjo, frekvenco, kodiranjem in razdaljo branja, s čimer zagotavljamo, da je vsaka oznaka RFID popolnoma prilagojena vašim zahtevam. Ne glede na to, za katero aplikacijo uporabljate oznake RFID, lahko zagotovimo robustne, zanesljive oznake RFID, ki izpolnjujejo najvišje standarde kakovosti in vzdržljivosti. Tu so glavni načini, kako prilagodimo oznake RFID vašim potrebam.

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