13.56mhz Anti Metal Coin NFC RFID Tag with Adhesive Sticker

Revolutionary NFC RFID Tags: The Power of 13.56MHz Anti-Metal NFC Tags and NFC Coin Tags

NFC RFID tag is at the forefront of wireless communication technology, offering seamless contactless data transfer across a variety of applications. Harnessing high-frequency radio waves at 13.56MHz, these tags deliver exceptional performance in inventory management, asset tracking, and contactless payments.

Among these, 13.56MHz Anti-Metal NFC Tags and NFC Coin Tags stand out as versatile, durable, and efficient solutions for modern businesses and individuals. Whether you’re managing supply chains, integrating IoT systems, or simply enabling contactless payment systems, NFC RFID tags are the ultimate choice for reliability and convenience.

Product Overview: What Makes NFC RFID Tags Essential?

NFC RFID tags combine the power of radio frequency identification (RFID) and near-field communication (NFC) technologies to deliver short-range, high-frequency communication. They are designed for cost-effective RFID solutions and provide numerous benefits, such as efficient asset tracking, secure data storage, and proximity-based authentication.

With their compact size, impressive read range, and compatibility with NFC-enabled devices, these tags are ideal for asset management, inventory tracking, and even personal applications like wallet protection or mobile payments.

Tehnične specifikacije

PogostostHigh Frequency (HF) 13.56MHz
MaterialDurable, anti-metal compatible materials
Preberi obsegShort range, up to 10cm (depending on reader and environment)
AplikacijeInventory management, access control, contactless payments, asset tracking
Vir napajanjaPassive RFID (no internal power needed)
ZdružljivostWorks with most NFC readers and smartphones

Why NFC RFID Tag Is Worth Your Investment

  1. Enhanced Security: Short-range communication ensures that data transfer occurs only in close proximity, reducing the risk of interception.
  2. Versatile Applications: These tags are widely used across industries, from IoT systems to public transit solutions.
  3. Durable Build: With anti-metal compatibility and rugged designs, they are suitable for personal and industrial use.
  4. Eco-Friendly: Their passive RFID tag design ensures they consume no energy, supporting sustainable practices.
  5. Cost-Effective: With their low manufacturing costs, these tags are ideal for businesses looking to scale.


Suppose you’re looking for a cost-effective RFID solution that offers numerous benefits, including contactless communication, enhanced security, and versatile applications. In that case, the 13.56MHz Anti-Metal NFC Tag and NFC Coin Tag are your go-to choices.

Whether you’re managing an asset tracking system, enabling mobile payments, or simply protecting your wallet, these tags deliver unmatched performance and reliability.

Zagotovite si oznake RFID po meri

Kot vodilni proizvajalec oznak RFID po meri oblikujemo rešitve, ki temeljijo na edinstvenih potrebah vašega delovanja. Ponujamo široko paleto možnosti prilagajanja, vključno z materialom, velikostjo, frekvenco, kodiranjem in razdaljo branja, s čimer zagotavljamo, da je vsaka oznaka RFID popolnoma prilagojena vašim zahtevam. Ne glede na to, za katero aplikacijo uporabljate oznake RFID, lahko zagotovimo robustne, zanesljive oznake RFID, ki izpolnjujejo najvišje standarde kakovosti in vzdržljivosti. Tu so glavni načini, kako prilagodimo oznake RFID vašim potrebam.

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