RFID Livestock Tags UHF Animal Tags for Management
Enhance Your Livestock Management with Advanced RFID Livestock Tags
Our high-quality RFID livestock tags provide a reliable and efficient solution for tracking, identifying, and managing your animals. These durable tags utilize radio frequency identification technology to provide seamless tracking and data management.
Whether you are managing cattle, sheep, or other livestock, our RFID livestock tags offer the traceability and efficiency you need. We offer a variety of options for different types of animals, and our tags are compliant with all USDA regulations.
Accurate Identification and Tracking with RFID Livestock Tags
Our RFID livestock tags are designed for accurate and reliable animal identification and tracking. These tags are available for a variety of different types of animals including cattle and sheep. These tags can be easily attached and read using a compatible RFID reader, which allows for a contactless method of tracking. Our livestock tags utilize radio frequency identification (RFID) technology to transmit a unique id number.
These RFID tags are designed for use in harsh environments, and are also designed for high retention. Our RFID tags are also designed to be compliant with all USDA animal identification regulations. Our RFID livestock tags are designed to improve the accuracy of your animal tracking and to also reduce the amount of manual labor. The tags can be used to easily scan each animal, and to track its unique id number. This allows for faster data collection, and also reduces the likelihood of error. We offer both visual and electronic id options. Our tags provide a superior solution when compared to traditional methods of animal tracking.
We also offer both LF and HF options for our tags. We are dedicated to providing you with the best technology to help improve your efficiency. Our tags are designed to be durable and easy to use.
USDA Compliant RFID Tags for Traceability and Compliance
Our USDA-compliant RFID tags provide a secure and reliable solution for animal traceability, and are compliant with all USDA regulations. These tags are designed for cattle and sheep, and can also be used with other livestock. Our tags are designed to provide a secure method of animal identification, that is difficult to tamper with or remove. Our tags are a superior method of animal tracking compared to traditional methods of visual identification. Our tags provide an efficient method of traceability, and are a superior solution when compared to manual methods of data collection.
This information is critical for tracking disease outbreaks, and for ensuring compliance with all of the USDA regulations. Our tags provide a unique number, that is easily read with an RFID reader. Our tags are also designed to be durable and resistant to a variety of environmental conditions. Our tags are designed to be used for the entire life of the animal, and are compatible with all RFID readers that meet ISO standards.
We also offer both electronic ear tag options, as well as combined visual and electronic ear tag options. Our tags are also compatible with cattlemax software, and also with other management software. We also offer 840 compliant tags.
Allsidige RFID-brikker for ulike bruksområder
Our RFID livestock tags are designed to be versatile and can be used in a variety of different applications, including farm management, herd management, and animal tracking. Our tags can help you to streamline your operation and to reduce manual labor. Our electronic identification tags can help to improve the accuracy of your animal tracking, and to reduce the risk of error. Our tags also utilize the most advanced RFID chip technology available. Our RFID tags for livestock also help with animal health, and also with the tracking of animal treatment. Our goal is to provide you with the best technology possible to improve your efficiency.
With our tags you can easily track your herd, and streamline your record keeping. Our tags are also compatible with other software solutions, including sheep management software. Our experienced team can also help you choose the best tag for your application. We also offer both lf and hf tags, and a variety of sizes and colors.
We also offer a full range of related products. We also offer 840 compliant tags.
Our RFID Tags for Livestock offer:
Pålitelighet: Nøyaktig og konsekvent dyreidentifikasjon.
Varighet: Designet for å tåle tøffe forhold.
Overholdelse: USDA-kompatibel for sporbarhet.
Allsidighet: Egnet for et bredt spekter av bruksområder.
Effektivitet: Strømlinjeformet sporing og styring av besetningen din.
Lav pris: Vi tilbyr de laveste prisene i bransjen.
Enkel å bruke: Taggene våre er enkle å bruke og lese.
Trekk | Beskrivelse |
Hyppighet | Low Frequency (125-134 kHz), High Frequency (13.56 MHz) |
Standarder | Compliant with all USDA regulations, ISO 11784/11785 |
Materiale | Durable and long-lasting plastic material, metal options are also available |
ID | Unique electronic ID number, and also printed visual ID number |
Søknader | Dyreidentifikasjon, besetningshåndtering, sporbarhet og mer |
Kompatibilitet | Kompatibel med de fleste RFID-lesersystemer |
Bevaring | Design med høy retensjon for å sikre at taggen forblir festet |
Our RFID tags for livestock are an effective way to automate your herd management and to improve your accuracy. Our tags provide a superior solution compared to manual methods of animal tracking. Our production factory allows us to offer the lowest possible prices on all of our RFID products.
We are your premier partner for all of your RFID needs. Our RFID tags are a superior solution for any livestock operation, and can help to improve your traceability, efficiency and overall operation.
Skaff deg tilpassede RFID-tagger
Som en ledende spesialtilpasset RFID-brikkeprodusent, lager vi løsninger basert på de unike behovene til din virksomhet. Vi tilbyr et bredt spekter av tilpasningsalternativer, inkludert materiale, størrelse, frekvens, koding og leseavstand, for å sikre at hver RFID-tag er perfekt tilpasset dine behov. Uansett hvilken applikasjon du bruker RFID-brikker til, kan vi tilby robuste, pålitelige RFID-brikker som oppfyller de høyeste kvalitets- og holdbarhetsstandardene. Her er de viktigste måtene vi tilpasser RFID-brikker for å passe dine behov.
Materiale er nøkkelen for å tilpasse RFID-brikker. Plast fungerer under tøffe forhold, mens mykere materialer passer til sarte rom. Ulike materialer påvirker også signalytelsen. Velg det som passer din brukssituasjon for å sikre at taggene dine varer og fungerer pålitelig.
Tilpasset størrelse
Størrelsen former brukervennligheten. Små etiketter passer til trange steder eller små gjenstander, mens større etiketter er lett å lese. I overfylte områder forhindrer elegante etiketter sammenstøt. Juster form og dimensjon med varene dine for synlighet, bekvemmelighet og ytelse.
Velg LF, HF eller UHF basert på leseområde, hastighet og interferens. LF og HF motstår metaller og væsker, men har kortere rekkevidde. UHF tilbyr en utvidet rekkevidde, men kan møte signalblokker. Tilpass frekvensen til ditt miljø for pålitelig ytelse.
Definer avstanden du må lese taggen på. Korte avstander fungerer for butikkkasser, mens varehus kan trenge metervis med dekning. Antennedesign, leserinnstillinger og strømutganger påvirker rekkevidden. Juster disse faktorene for å fange data nøyaktig på den avstanden du trenger.
Planlegg hvordan data lagres på hver tag. Noen har bare en ID, mens andre inneholder detaljert informasjon. Bestem om du trenger en enkel EPC eller ekstra brukerminne. Sørg for at det valgte formatet fungerer med eksisterende programvare. Riktig koding effektiviserer prosesser og reduserer feil.
Vurder virkelige forhold. Temperatursvingninger, fuktighet og kjemikalier kan forringe merker. For utendørs bruk, velg UV-bestandige foringsrør. Sørg for overholdelse av sikkerhetsreglene i helsevesenet eller matmiljøer. Å matche taggene dine til miljøet maksimerer levetiden deres.
Relaterte produkter
Tilpass eventuelle RFID-brikker fra fabrikken vår for å møte dine krav.